SDF Secretariat
The implementation of SDF is in line with NSDEPS under its Pillar 1: Skills Development and the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) has the mandate to guide this strategy. The NSDEPS Steering Committee has the responsibilities to provide strategic guidance to the SDF Grant Committee on priority areas of support for skills development, receive and approve the progress reports on a quarterly and annual basis, and then provide recommendations and feedback, and consider SDF AF activities and targets as integrated in the final NSDEPS implementation plans and budget.
Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) is the implementing entity with the responsibilities to carry out planning, budgeting and implementation of SDF interventions, follow-up the budget execution, implementation of planned activities and regular monitoring as well as audit of implementing institutions, provide all the logistical, administrative and legal support required for the SDF to fulfil its mandate.
To make sure the skills development is demand driven, the operations of the SDF are overseen by a grant committee appointed by the RTB Board and the implementation is insured by the SDF Secretariat
The SDF Grant Committee
The members of the SDF Grant Committee are appointed by the RTB Board based on consultation with relevant stakeholders (PSF, RTB, MINICOM, RDB).
In addition to providing the required oversight of the implementation of all the activities under the SDF, the Grant Committee ensures that the SDF becomes an efficient and acknowledged instrument for strengthening the skills and competence based of the Rwandan labour force, thus making the Rwandan private sector more competitive and improving access to gainful employment.
The specific functions of the Grant Committee are to:
- Approve plans and arrangements for dissemination of information regarding the procedures and operation of the SDF, ensuring that all potential target audiences have access to the required information
- Ensure that proposals for funding are approved based on provided procedures and eligibility criteria in this manual
- Oversee the progress of the Fund’s operations
- Regularly evaluate the relevance and quality of the skills training supported by the SDF
- Recommend to the RTB Management possible changes of the scope and operation of the SDF
- Investigate and act on complaints received from learners, employers and other stakeholders regarding the quality of training, assessment and the award of qualifications of training initiatives supported by the SDF
- Approve reallocation of funds to different windows and decide on projects to benefit from more that on grants based on the national needs and employment potential.
SDF Secretariat
The SDF secretariat/TVET Skills Development Program under the RTB management ensures the day-to-day management of the project execution including oversight of the implementation of training programmes to ensure they are to the appropriate standards and following the correct procedures.
The Secretariat consists of the following staff and their duties:
- Uwimana Eugene, TVET Skills Development Program Manager
- Uwimana Marcelline, Manufacturing Sector Specialist
- Urayeneza Ellen, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist
- Renzaho Jean Damascene, Youth Empowerment and Employment Promotion Specialist
- Nyirakamana Genereuse, M&E Specialist
- Mwongereza Jean d’ Amour, Energy Sector Specialist
- Minani Callixte, Transport & Logistics Sector Specialist
- Iradukunda Octave, ICT & Digital Skills Specialist
- Hategekimana Aimable, Mining Sector Specialist
- Habimana Benoit, M&E Specialist