Window I
This section has two types of training programmes, namely “Rapid Response Training and Skills upgrading of existing workers.
The objective of this window (RRT) is to address skills gaps experienced by companies in the formal sector and to promote their collaborations with training institution. The program will co-finance short-term training for workers who are in the process of being employed by the applicant or existing workers in the applicant’s business that need to be upgraded with skills to improve their productivity(Skills upgrading for SMEs and selected foreign investors).
The applicants will be new investors or existing companies in Rwanda who are looking to hire new or upgrade employees to support their business. The applying company should be already established and in position to strengthen its business activities and create employment to the youth when is supported.
The applying company is expected to be in the lead position to define the content and duration of the training. The applying company can identify the training provider it wants to partner with, but the SDF Secretariat may assist if needed.
The applicant should be facing the skills challenges to implement its plans and ready to employ at least 70% of the graduates for at least a period of one year after RRT training completion. The grantee shall be ready to cover at least 30% of the total training costs in kind
The training duration for this window is ranging from few days to not more than six months. In selecting the best applicants to benefit from the grants, priority will be accorded to the training areas (Trades) falling under selected priority sectors including manufacturing, energy, transport and Logistics, ICT based projects (programming, digital cloud, data analysis and internet of things), Hospitality (culinary art), Handcraft, Agriculture (horticulture and aquaculture), Construction and Mining.
The most preferable training approach to be used by applying company is Company based training (On job training) and can identify local or international experts/training provider to facilitate the training, but the SDF Secretariat may assist if needed. Grant will not fund the cost related to equipment /Machinery.
The evaluation of the successful applicants will mainly base on project relevance, sustainability and cost- effectiveness.