Window III

This section has four types of training programmes, namely “apprenticeships, internships, RPL and Skills upgrading for informal sector.
The purpose of this window is to provide program beneficiaries and graduates with an opportunity to acquire labour market relevant skills. Applicants are supposed to be companies/industries, training institutions and informal sectors (Professional associations, Federations, Cooperatives, NGOs and trade unions).
(a)The apprenticeships is Industry Based Training (IBT) organized by a company/industry that is interested in establishing an apprenticeship scheme within its organization. The training may be fully industrial based if company/Industry has necessary facilities for training or may combine practical training at the workplace with school-based theoretical classes (dual training). Interested applicant shall submit their Grant proposal supported by the recommendation from PSF. The training duration for this intervention is six (6) months.
(b)The Internships is a placement of TVET graduates as interns in an enterprise/institution to gain useful skills and exposure to real world of work environment. Applying institutions are supposed to be existing accredited TVET institutions from both public and private sector in collaboration with companies willing to take on interns. They must show that they have entered an agreement with relevant companies with sufficient capacity to cater for the number of proposed interns - placement. The training duration for this intervention is six (6) months.
(c)Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process of acknowledging prior learning acquired in different contexts especially at work without considering how, when or where the learning occurred. The objective of RPL is to facilitate access to labour market and progression of workers. Eligible applicants on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) include Integrated Polytechnic Regional College (IPRCs) and Polytechnics from both public and private sector. The training duration for this intervention is ranging from few days to not later than four months.
(d)Skills upgrading for informal sector
The implementation of skills upgrading for the informal sector will be mainly done by RTB in collaboration with Private sector/professional associations/trade unions/ federations/ NGOs and Cooperatives.
Eligible applicants on skills upgrading for the informal sector include Professional Associations, trade unions and Federations and should be having signed a partnership agreement with the recognized/accredited training provider demonstrating capacity to implement the proposed trainings. The training provider must have a demonstrated capacity (knowledge, skills, practical experience, training facilities, and the necessary relevant machines/tools) to provide the proposed training. The training duration for this intervention is ranging from few days to not later than six (6) months.
Training courses for members of informal sector must be prepared in collaboration with a capable training provider; the training provider must have a demonstrated capacity (knowledge, skills, practical experience, training facilities, and the necessary relevant machines/tools) to provide the proposed training.
At this stage, Grant will not fund the cost related to equipment /Machinery. The evaluation of the Grant proposals will mainly base on project relevance, sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
In selecting the best applicants to benefit from the grants, priority will be accorded to the training areas (Trades) falling under selected priority sectors including Manufacturing, Energy, Transport and Logistics, ICT based projects (programming, digital cloud, data analysis and internet of things), Hospitality (Culinary Art), Handcraft, Agriculture (Horticulture and Aquaculture), Construction and Mining.